Sunday, February 12, 2012

Generation X Lives

A young girl, very young, so young she can be my daughter boasts about her career. Excuse me for butting in but have she has only been in the Navy only five months or so and she now has a career? I guess you can say this is the start of your career path, go on.

She gives me the background of her big brother is in the Corps. Her Mother left her Father when she was very young, her father was a General in the Army. Stop right there! How many women leave their husbands because they just can't handle being married to a General? This is somewhat new to me. Go on young lady, I am listening.  She left her small town in the South to see the world at twenty-one the Navy will teach her things she would never see back home.

The amazing thing about the Navy, they will take you in and teach you the survival ways in the Navy but they will not teach you how to adapt in a social setting. One day you realize there are things to do to become someone with friends.  Becoming a responsible adult in the Navy means listening to people that know a little more than whoever you think you are. 

The young girl thinks she can spew out words without any facts. Come-on little girl, the fact remains you can never become a better liar than some of the people I've had to deal with day after day. They often have proven themselves to be just as the song says. Liar, liar, pants on fire, Your nose is longer than a telephone wire.

The young girl has told me she had the best time with her friends this one weekend. Even though she was the "designated driver" she still managed to sip a few chugs of her friend's drinks when they were not looking. Insert your opinion now!

Now there is a story to be told, of how a group of friends go out and all get smashed, they all get busted for drunk and disorderly. The police ask for some identification and find there is only one under age and that is a major bust of the group. The rest of you be on your merry way. I do believe the reason she was always the DD - she wasn't old enough to drink in the first place.

Once the Chain-of-Command finds out about the one individual for underage, there goes that song again... Liar, liar, pants on fire, Your nose is longer than a telephone wire.

Rehab is for quitters she says and under-age girls that think they can have a good career just washed it away with a few BIG lies and a few sips of beer.